

Foundation Grant for Community Outreach: $200-$1,000 available for creative ideas for strengthening literacy in your community.

Teachers as Readers Grant: $100 to support a Teachers as Readers group in a local council, special project or for an already established group.

Writing Project Grant: maximum of $400 to support a local reading council’s writing project.


Carmelita K. Williams VSRA Scholarship for Graduate Studies in Reading: up to $1,000 toward college or university tuition in pursuit of an advanced degree in the field of reading. Applicant must have been a member of a local council, VSRA, and IRA to qualify.


James D. Mullins Leadership Award: recognition for administrators who show exceptional support of reading. Candidate must be a member of the local reading council for at least one year and administrators for at least three years.

Exemplary Reading Program Award: recognizes outstanding reading and language arts programs at all grade levels.

Applications and guidelines are available on the VSRA website: