The Williamsburg Area Reading Council presents…
An Evening with Lester Laminack
September 24, 2013 at 6:30
School of Education, William & Mary
The first meeting of WARC will feature children’s author and literacy expert extraordinaire Lester Laminack!
Lester’s presentations are renowned for inspiring, motivating, and deepening
teachers’ knowledge base of best literacy practices. You don’t want to miss
this special PD opportunity!
Win a school visit from Lester!
The Williamsburg area school with the highest percentage of WARC members will win a school visit from Lester! Go to: for membership information or contact membership chair Robin Ford at and join now.
The deadline for memberships to count for the school visit is September 9th.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!
Join WARC now and we hope to see you on September 24